Thursday, January 14, 2010

Book reviewer attempt a flop

Well, my attempt at book reviewing was not-so-good, or maybe it was the first book I received to review. I just could not get into the book. Maybe I should try blogging about something I enjoy ..... crafts.

After years of wanting an embroidery/sewing machine I finally purchased one in October 2009. I got a Babylock Sofia. It's just a small machine with a 4x4 embroidery capability but I love it. It does embroidery as well as regular sewing. I'm sure my family and friends get tired of seeing and/or hearing about my projects but they love me anyway.


  1. Hi, Kimm! Thanks for visiting my blog, Thinking About It! I seriously am hoping for a combination sewing machine/embroidery machine one of these days. You could always post pics (if you haven't already - I just discovered your blog) of your projects. There are several sewing blogs that do that and I love to see what others are working on!


  2. Thanks for commenting Dianne. I haven't quite got the hang of the blogging thing yet but I'm hoping to do better.
